Thursday, September 24, 2015

St Albans Year 3 & 4 Showcase

What an amazing night. The children have been reflecting on their experiences of the preparation and the showcase itself. Thank you for the wonderful feedback you have shared with us. I am very proud of them and have loved sharing this experience with them.

Millie: I noticed that there were lots of people watching us and that made me feel nervous. I was proud of our freeze frames.

Amy: I felt excited because it was my first showcase. I was proud of my singing.

Angel: I felt great about my costume because it has feathers on it. I was proud of the mask.

Jesse: I found out that when we were singing the song and hitting our heads, the audience laughed. I was nervous at the start but I am proud that I did it anyway. 

Jonty: We had to wait a long time for our turn. I am proud that when we sung to the crowd I had a big smile on my face.

Henry T: There was someone in the crowd who really liked my dance and they kept looking at me. I am proud that I didn't do anything wrong and that I looked at the audience.

Jarod: The people laughed when we looked at them at the end. I am proud that I could do the showcase without getting too nervous.

Charlotte: I was happy that the audience laughed when we turned our heads and stared at them. I practised a lot and I am proud of what we did on the stage.

Henry C: I froze like someone had freeze-rayed me. I am proud of how creative my costume was.

Aoife:  I thought the costumes were 100% amazing. I was proud of the loud voices we used when we were singing.

Ollie: The dancing and the movements that everyone did was amazing. I was proud that when I slipped over, I just got back up.

Cooper: I liked how the hands opened and the sandflies buzzed through. I was proud that the singing was nice and loud and that my idea about the hands was used.

Erin: Before the show I had butterflies in my tummy and for some reason, they were still going after the show. I was proud of how I moved and I think I did my best.

Emily: When we all turned our heads, everyone laughed. I was proud when everyone clapped and cheered at the end.

Sam: Everything was great. I liked the star on my costume. I was proud that I went on when I was nervous.

Reza: I liked using the wings and our freeze frames. I was proud that I used high and low levels in my dancing.


Charles: I loved it when everyone was clapping and cheering, but it was very loud. I was proud of my costume that I made.

Evie: It was good when the audience was laughing. I was proud of how well we sang the song.

Tayla: We buzzed around the stage like busy sandflies. I am proud that the show worked out well, it was awesome.

Kacey: I did a special part at the end. I am proud of all the laughing from the audience.


Below is a link for some photos that a parent has said we can share with you. Thanks Kelly.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Showcase tomorrow

Well, the excitement is ramping up! Tomorrow we will be having our last technical rehearsal at 10:30. Due to a change in plans (weather and durability) we do not need help with costumes as we won't be wearing them for this rehearsal.

Our first performance will be at 1:30 and we would love some helpers form 12:45 if you are free. After this show, the children will return to the class to get changed out of their costumes and then go home.

Please be back at school from 4:15 - 4:30 to get back into your costume for the 5:00pm performance. We would also love some helpers at the classroom for this. The children will return to the classroom after this performance until the next show starts at 6:30pm. Some healthy snack food will be needed to keep up their energy.

At the end of the last show, children MUST return to the classroom to change and be signed out by the teacher.

We hope you can make it to one of the shows.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Paper Plane Challenge

While the girls were away at soccer this afternoon, we made some paper planes and measured how far they flew.We used metre rulers, tape measures and checked the distances using metres and centimetres.

If you want to try this out at home, click on the image above to find some old favourite designs, and some you probably haven't tried before.