Newsletters & Notices

On this page you will find a copy of any class newsletters, notices and relevant information from the Home Learning sheets.

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 9

We are on the countdown to the end of term now – only 6½ days to go! We have some crafty activities planned for this week so please make sure you have the following named items at school:
  • Blue pen
  • HB pencil & sharpener
  • Coloured pencils
  • Glue Stick
Over the holiday break, the builders will be coming in to make some changes to Rooms 17 & 18 so we need to have everything in the classroom all packed away by the end of Monday. If you have any suitable boxes we could use, please bring them along. You will be taking home all your stuff over the next few days (except for your pencil case), so you might like to bring along a spare supermarket bag to handle the overflow from your school bag.
Beach Ed Trip
Thank you to everyone who came and helped with our trip last week – we had an awesome day and the children learnt about beach safety and got to appreciate the power of the surf.
Swimming at School
This week we will be swimming on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but it is a good idea to being your togs everyday – just in case we can slip in an extra session. Swimming is an important part of the school curriculum so if you are not swimming, I must have a note from mum or dad explaining why please.
These should all be returned to school urgently. Please have a really big search at home. All returns are gratefully accepted (no questions asked) as books are a huge cost and an extremely important resource for the school.
·       Someone to water our butterfly garden over the holidays please. I will leave a watering can behind the classroom.
·       Boxes for storing classroom resources over the holiday.

This Week
7/12   Choir Performance at Knox Church (Please be there at 6:00 ready to start at 6:30)
11/12   End of Year Assembly

Coming Up
14/12   Room 18 Pack up
15/12   School ends at 12:30pm

Choir Performance at Knox Church

Please return these notices that were sent home on Wednesday as soon as possible. 

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 8

This week we need to have all the readers returned for a stocktake, so have a really big search around your room at home. All returns gratefully accepted as books are a huge cost and an extremely important resource.

Athletics Day
What a great day we had on Monday – not too hot and not too cold. Well done everyone on both your skills and behaviour. Special congratulations to the Room 18 girls relay who came first. If you have any photos we can add to our blog please email them through to me.

Beach Ed Trip
Have you remembered to organise a wet suit for next week’s trip to the beach. They are highly recommended for children and parent helpers as the water is “invigorating” as this time of year. If you don’t have one – see if you can borrow one from a friend or family member.

Swan plants

This Week
30/11               Athletics Day
3/12                 Surf Education Trip – Helpers please

Coming Up

11/12   End of Year Assembly
15/12   School ends at 12:30pm

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 7

Athletics Day
We are continuing our skills sessions to prepare for the Athletics Day in Week 8. The events will be: Sprints
Middle Distance Run, Discus, Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump, Sack Races and the class relay teams. Keep working on your fitness and techniques.

Beach Ed Trip
Have you remembered to organise a wet suit for next week’s trip to the beach. They are highly recommended for children and parent helpers as the water is “invigorating” as this time of year. If you don’t have one – see if you can borrow one from a friend or family member.

Newspaper, egg cartons, swan plants

This Week
23/11   Mrs Kelly teaching in Room 18
26/11   Mrs Kelly teaching in Room 18

Coming Up
30/11   Year 2 & 3 Athletics Day
3/12    Surf EducationTrip – Helpers
11/12   End of Year Assembly
15/12   School ends at 12:30pm

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 6

Poetry Competition Results
Congratulations to Tayla, Emily and Kacey who were selected to represent Room 18 in the Year 3 & 4 Poetry Competition. Runner-ups were Aoife and Ruby. On Thursday we were proud to hear them perform in front of an audience of Year 3 and 4 children and family members. First place went to Sophie in Room 17, second place to Rory in Room 16 and we were all excited when Tayla was awarded third place. Aoife, Charlotte, Cooper and Erin also presented the poems they wrote earlier this term. Check out the videos of our poets on the classroom blog.

Athletics Day
We are continuing our skills sessions to prepare for the Athletics Day in Week 8. The events will be: Sprints
Middle Distance Run, Discus, Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump, Sack Races and the class relay teams. Keep working on your fitness and techniques.

Beach Ed Trip
Room 17 won the competition to get all their permission slips back first. We are still waiting on a couple, so please return these asap. Wet suits are recommended for children and parent helpers as the water is “invigorating” as this time of year. If you don’t have one – see if you can borrow one from a friend or family member.

Swan plants
The butterflies have been visiting our garden already and we really need some more swan plants. If you are able to donate some (purchased or home grown) we would love to add them to our garden for the expected influx of caterpillars.

Newspaper, egg cartons, swan plants

This Week
Friday  Sushi Lunch option

Coming Up
30/11   Year 2 & 3 Athletics Day
3/12    Surf EducationTrip – Helpers needed 
11/12   End of Year Assembly

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 5

Poetry Competition
Please note that the Year 3 & 4 Final is on Thursday the 12th November at 1:30pm.

Beach Ed Trip - URGENT
We are having a bit of a competition with other Year 3 classes to see who can get all their permission slips returned first. If you haven’t sent it back yet – please do so asap.
We also need helpers who can get into the water so that the children can use the boogie boards in the afternoon. If you can help – please let me know.
Wet suits are recommended for children and helpers as the water is “invigorating” as this time of year. If you don’t have one – see if you can borrow one from a friend or family member.

Swan plants
The butterflies have been visiting our garden already and we really need some more swan plants. If you are able to donate some (purchased or home grown) we would love to add them to our garden for the expected influx of caterpillars.

Reading at home
This week I will be continuing the reading assessments so children will be bringing home books from their browsing box to share. These will be a collection of familiar and interest books for them to read with you. There are also links to online reading on the blog. A visit to the local library can also provide lots of new material to share.

Newspaper, egg cartons, swan plants

This Week
Monday             Class Poetry Competition
Thursday          Poetry Finals
Friday              Show Day – school closed

Coming Up
30/11   Year 2 & 3 Athletics Day
3/12    Surf EducationTrip – Helpers
11/12   End of Year Assembly

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 4

Poetry Competition
Please note that the Year 3 & 4 Final has been changed to Thursday the 12th November so it doesn’t clash with other school activities. You need to be practising your poem at home and as well as at school. I have put a copy of the rubric we will be using to judge the competition on the Poetry page of the class blog so you know what to focus on. There is also a hard copy in the front of your poetry book. Please note that props are not essential and often distract you and the audience from the performance. Using your voice, and actions are just as effective.

Market Day – this Saturday
This is another great event organised by the PTA. We would love all the children to attend in order to experience the fun activities, food and stalls that will be there. See the posters around the school for more details. They are also looking for some more helpers, so if you can spare any time to help out please let the office know. Thank you.

Reading at home
This week I will be starting the reading assessments so children will be bringing home books from their browsing box to share. These will be a collection of familiar and interest books for them to read with you.

Basic Facts
Everyone should have a sheet of Basic Facts to work on. Quick recall of these is important for your developing strategies. If you can not find your sheet – please see your math teacher.

Newspaper, egg cartons, swan plants

This Week
Thursday:   Mrs Kelly teaching in Room 18
Saturday:   Market Day

Coming Up
9/11     Class Poetry Competition
12/11   Poetry Finals
13/11   Show Day – school closed
30/11   Year 2 & 3 Athletics Day
3/12    Surf EducationTrip - Helpers needed please

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 3

Thank you to all the parent helpers who cam along on the Magic Mirrors trip to the museum last week. I was disappointed that I was unwell and couldn’t make it. There are photos up on the blog. We have finalised dates for our Athletics Day and the Surf Education Trip. We will need lots of helpers prepared to get into the water. You might also like to start looking about now for wetsuits to buy/borrow for the children as the weather and water temperatures can be challenging.
Calendar Art
Have you checked out the calendar art in the office yet? Orders close this Friday. As we have two you can choose from, please make sure you specify clearly on the order form which one you want.
Lucky Book Club orders due
If you want to order any of these items, please drop your order and payment into the drop box beside the office door.
Poetry Competition
Please note that the Year 3 & 4 Final has been changed to Thursday the 12th November so it doesn’t clash with other school activities. You should have selected your poem by now and be practising it regularly, at home and at school. I have put a copy of the rubric we will be using to judge the competition on the Poetry page of the class blog so you know what to focus on. Please note that props are not essential and often distract you and the audience from the performance. Using your voice, and actions are just as effective.
Market Day
This is another great event organised by the PTA. We would love all the children to attend in order to experience the fun activities, food and stalls that will be there. See the posters around the school for more details.
Newspaper, egg cartons, swan plants
This Week
Friday: Calendar Orders Close
 School Disco
Coming Up
7/11     Market Day
9/11     Class Poetry Competition
12/11   Poetry Finals
13/11   Show Day – school closed
30/11   Year 2 & 3 Athletics Day

3/12    Surf EducationTrip

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 2

Calendar Art
The PTA is running this fundraiser again this year. There are a variety of items you can choose to use the image on a calendar, diary, greeting cards or notepads. The Room 18 Calendar Art Folder is now in the office. There are two pieces to choose from – a photo of the children in their Showcase costume or an art piece of Five Patterns of Nature based on the popart style of Andy Warhol. Please make sure you specify clearly which one you want.

Poetry Competition
Everyone needs to choose a poem to learn by heart and perform to the class. I have put links on the class blog to some sites you might want to look through, or you could choose a poem from your Poetry book or the classroom collection. The class presentation will be on Monday the 9th November and Mr Williams has kindly offered to judge it for us to decide who will represent Room 18 at the Year 3 & 4 Final on Wednesday the 11th November.

Market Day
This is another great event organised by the PTA. We would love all the children to experience the fun, food and stalls that will be happening. You might even want to organise your own stall. See the posters around the school for more details.

This Week
Tues.   Visit by Craig Smith
Thurs. Trip to the Museum

Coming Up
26/10 Labour Day – school closed
30/10 Calendar Orders Close
School Disco
7/11    Market Day
9/11    Class Poetry Competition
11/11   Poetry Finals

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 4, Week 1

Welcome back
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and you are rested up ready for Term 4. We received lots of wonderful feedback about the showcase performances and there are photos up on the blog and in the cloakroom. Over the holidays the toilets have been removed from the cloakroom in preparation for other changes to the Room 17 and 18 block. Children from Room 18 will need to use the toilets at the end of Room 19 or Room 16. We have two trips organised for this term. The first one will be to the museum in week 2. Thank you for all the offers of help on this trip. The second trip is a Surf Education session in week 8. There is also the Disco and the St Albans Market Day so keep up close eye on the newsletters and school website for more information.
We are starting Numeracy Interchange this week and will be continuing with our Strand work about measurement on Friday mornings. PE
Our focus this term is on developing our skills in track and field events in preparation for the Year 3 Athletics Day.
Poetry Competition
This term we will be practising for the poetry competition. You can start looking now for a poem that you would like to present to the class. From this, the best 2 or 3 students will go through to the final in week 5. You can choose an old favourite, one from your poetry book or there are also some links on the blog to several poetry sites. The poem needs to be known off by heart and be at least 7 lines long. Choose one that you love and you can be sure your audience will too.
This Week        
Mon.    Pōwhiri
Next Week
Mon.    Visit by author Craig Smith

Thurs. Trip to the Museum

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 10

Well, the end of Term 3 has arrived and this week will be massive. Make sure you get plenty of early nights before the big day. There will be no spelling homework this week. Please make sure you keep up the reading and basic facts at home this week, and especially over the holidays.

Hopefully everyone has their tickets to see the Year 3 & 4 Showcase on Wednesday. Remember to keep learning the words for our song and to keep practising this at home. You can find it on our blog – along with the lyrics. We will need helpers for dressing the children for the dress rehearsal on Monday and for the performances on Wednesday. See times below if you are able to help.

Mon. 10:45am (dress rehearsal @ 11:30am)
Wed. 12:45pm (for performance @ 1:30pm)
           4:15pm  (for performance @ 5:00pm)
          -      (for performance @ 6:30pm)

This Week
Wed 23rd Sept Showcase Performances @
  1:30pm, 5:00pm and 6:30pm
Fri 25th Sept   Term 3 ends 3pm

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 9

Showcase – Week 10
Time is running out so make sure you have your tickets. Remember to keep learning the words for our song and to keep practising this at home. You can find it on our blog – along with the lyrics. We need helpers for dressing and face painting the children for the dress rehearsal on Friday the 18th at 8:30am, and before the performance on Wednesday the 23rd at 12:30pm. If you can help, please let me know asap.
Maths - Measurement
This week we are looking at measuring time. For home learning this week find something that takes you
·       less than 1 minute to do 
·       about 5 minutes to do       
·       more than 10 minutes to do
You might think of things such as brushing your teeth, running around the park, counting the number of skips you can do in (e.g.) 5 minutes. Write your findings, draw a picture or take a photograph/video of yourself doing these things.

This Week       
Mon 14thSept  Girls Football @ English Park
Next Week
Wed 23rd Sept Showcase Performances @

  1:30pm, 5:00pm and 6:30pm

Room 18 Newsletter - 
Term 3, Week 8

Showcase – Week 10
Have you been practising the song for our showcase? It is on our blog, along with the lyrics and you need to know this off by heart by the end of this week please. (My apologies to all parents for the earworm this creates J)
We have started creating the basics of our costumes and now we are working on the ‘bling’. We will also be needing lots of parent helpers in Weeks 8 and 9 to help with this. There is a sheet on the noticeboard for the days and times. If you haven’t yet brought along a black t-shirt, please do so asap or let me know so we can sort out an alternative option. Thank you to everyone who has already provided these items.
Required by each student
·       Plain black t-shirt & black leggings\pants (to be used as the base for our costume. They won’t look the same afterwards! Second hand is fine)
·       A Coat hanger to store them on.

Maths - Measurement
The next couple of weeks in maths we are working on measurement. We will be looking at length, weight, time and capacity. For home learning this week find something that is
·       less than 10cm long   
·       about 1m wide       
·       more than 2m high
Write the answer, draw a picture or take a photograph of these three things.
This Week
Mon 7th Sept   Costume construction 1:30-3:00
Thu 10thSept   Costume construction 1:30-3:00
Fri 11th Sept    Costume construction 1:30-3:00
Week 9        
Mon 14thSept  Girls Football @ English Park
Week 10      
Wed 23rd Sept Showcase Performances @
                1:30pm, 5:00pm & 6:30pm 

Room 18 Newsletter - 
Term 3, Week 7

The term is racing past and we have a very busy few weeks ahead – and heaps of fun too!
Showcase Wearable Art – Week 10
I hope everybody got the school newsletter about the dates, times and ticketing for the showcase. On Friday we started planning our costumes and cutting out our wings. While I have many items at school to bling up your t-shirt, you may like to provide some additional bits and pieces to personalise it. We will also be needing lots of parent helpers in Weeks 8 and 9 to help with construction. I will put up a sheet on the noticeboard for the days and times. This week we will be working on developing a creative dance to some music and starting to assemble our costumes. Helpers would be welcomed on Friday afternoon this week.
Items we could use
·       An old hooded towel - these will be dyed black and have embellishments added.
·       Old/broken bike helmets - we will be attaching items to these, and this will make them unsuitable for biking protection  afterwards.
·       Silver/gold/shiny/glittery fabric that can be cut up.
Required by each student
·       Plain black t-shirt & black leggings\pants (to be used as the base for our costume. They won’t look the same afterwards! Second hand is fine)
·       A Coat hanger to store them on.

This Week
Tues 1st Sept    Futsal 2:00 to 2:30pm
Wed 2nd Sept   Futsal 9:30 to 10:00am
Thur 3rd Sept   Futsal 9:00 to 9:30am
Fri    4th Sept    Year 3 & 4 Wheelie Day
                           Costume Construction Helpers
Coming up
Week 8-9         Helpers needed for Wearable
                          Art Construction

Week 10           Showcase Performances

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 6

The term is racing past and we have a very busy few weeks ahead – and heaps of fun too!
Showcase Wearable Art – Week 10
I hope everybody got the school newsletter about the dates, times and ticketing for the showcase. On Friday we started planning our costumes and cutting out our wings. While I have many items at school to bling up your t-shirt, you may like to provide some additional bits and pieces to personalise it. We will also be needing lots of parent helpers in Weeks 8 and 9 to help with construction. I will put up a sheet on the noticeboard for the days and times. This week we will be working on developing a creative dance to some music and starting to assemble our costumes. Helpers would be welcomed on Friday afternoon this week.
Items we could use
·       An old hooded towel - these will be dyed black and have embellishments added.
·       Old/broken bike helmets - we will be attaching items to these, and this will make them unsuitable for biking protection  afterwards.
·       Silver/gold/shiny/glittery fabric that can be cut up.
Required by each student
·       Plain black t-shirt & black leggings\pants (to be used as the base for our costume. They won’t look the same afterwards! Second hand is fine)
·       A Coat hanger to store them on.

This Week
Tues 1st Sept    Futsal 2:00 to 2:30pm
Wed 2nd Sept   Futsal 9:30 to 10:00am
Thur 3rd Sept   Futsal 9:00 to 9:30am
Fri    4th Sept    Year 3 & 4 Wheelie Day
                          Costume Construction Helpers
Coming up
Week 8-9         Helpers needed for Wearable Art Construction

Week 10           Showcase Performances

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 6

Many of you are starting to need more exercise books, and with the change to tote trays instead of desks, it is important that you have a suitable pencil case for your writing implements. Please make sure you have all items you need at school – and make sure they are named please.
Showcase Wearable Art – Week 10
Last week we looked at the 2013 Year 2 Wearable Art show, and at images of sandflies/namu, to get some ideas for our Wearable Art designs for the show case in Week 10. We are now looking at planning our individual costumes and sourcing the items we need. We will be needing lots of parent helpers in Weeks 8 and 9 to help with construction. The dates and times for the performances are being finalised.
Items we could use
·       An old hooded towel - these will be dyed black and have embellishments added.
·       Old/broken bike helmets - we will be attaching items to these, and this will make them unsuitable for biking protection  afterwards.
·       Silver/gold/shiny/glittery fabric that can be cut up.
·       Old fancy dress wings that we can adapt.
Required by each student
·       Plain black t-shirt & black leggings\pants (to be used as the base for our costume. They won’t look the same afterwards! Second hand is fine)
·       A Coat hanger to store them on.
This Week
Tue 25th Aug    Maui & the Sun Performance
Wed 26th Aug   Travelling Library Roadshow
Fri 28th Aug      Ms Vesty in Room 18  
Next Week
Tues 1st Sept    Futsal
Wed 2nd Sept   Futsal
Thur 3rd Sept   Futsal

Fri 4th Sept       Year 3 & 4 Wheelie Day

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 4

Well done Room 18! I had lovely feedback from Mrs Kelly and Mrs Warren who were working in Room 18 last week. You can be proud of how you managed yourselves.

There is a new spelling activity based on the word of the week. This is optional. This week the word is 'ferocious'. How many other words can you make with these same letters. Remember you can only use each word once. Write 10 of your favourites on the next page.
Term 3 Showcase
As part of our showcase we will be developing a wearable art costume. Everyone will need a plain black t-shirt and some plain black leggings or track pants to wear, and to which we can attach, sew or glue items. These do not need to be new purchases and you may already have something at home to use. Alternatively, you might be able to find something suitable a second hand shop. We will also be looking for some parent helpers in week 8 & 9 to help us construct our costumes.
·       Someone to help return books to the resource room before or after school.
This Week
Wed 12th Aug    Internet Safety Evening
Fri 14th Aug       Relieving Teacher in Room 18
Coming Up
Wed 19th Aug    Futsal Session @ school
Thu 20th Aug    Year 4 Cake Stall for camp
                         Futsal Session @ school
Fri 19th Aug       LeeAnne Warren in Room 18
Mon 24th Aug    Maui & the Sun Performance
Wed 26th Aug   Travelling Library Roadshow

Fri 28th Aug      Relieving Teacher in Room 18  

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 3

Thank you to the parents and grandparents you were able to help us with our sock puppets on Thursday and Friday. They look great and everyone is very excited about them.

Traditional Tale Reports
This week we are continuing our reports about a fairy tale, fable, myth or legend. A notice will be glued into your home learning book when it is your turn. This will have some suggestions and hints on how to do it well and we will be practising what you need to do at school too. If you can’t get it done when it is you turn, just let me know and we will reschedule it.

·       Someone to help return books to the resource room on Friday mornings or after school.

Coming up
Wed 5th Aug      Mrs Kelly teaching Room 18
Thu 20th Aug     Year 4 Cake Stall for camp
Mon 24th Aug    Maui & the Sun Performance
Wed 26th Aug               Travelling Library Roadshow

Have a great week.
Mrs D

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 2

It was great to see everybody back after the holidays and to hear what you had been up to. We have been working on some comic strips about our adventures and these will be compiled into a book as soon as they are all finished.
Oral Book Reports
This week are starting our book reports by sharing a fairy tale, fable, myth or legend. A notice will be glued into your home learning book when it is your turn. This will have some suggestions and hints on how to do it well and we will be practising what you need to do at school too. If you can’t get it done when it is you turn, just let me know and we will reschedule it.
Sock Puppets
Last week we started planning our puppets and most of you now have a sock at school ready to create your puppet. I have some craft supplies that I can share with you, such as pipe cleaners, buttons, pompoms, googly eyes, fabric, felt etc. If you have something special you have found to use, please bring it to school for Thursday and Friday.
Parent Helpers
We would really love some helpers on Thursday 1:20 to 3:00 and on Friday between 10:30 and 12:20 to help with making our puppets. If you can help please let me know. If you also have a hot glue gun that you could bring along too, it will help things go a bit faster. The children are required to sew on at least one component and I have a supply of needles and thread available.
·       Newspaper (The Press – larger pages)
·       Magazines (House & Garden genre, Next etc, Car, Motorbike & Sport magazines especially good)
·      A sock & craft supplies for puppet making

Have a great week.

Mrs D

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 3, Week 1

Welcome back for Term 3.
Our focus is on long vowel sounds and patterns. The more you practise these at home, the better you will get at recognising them.
Our focus is on myths, legends, fairy tales, and fables. There will be a lot of reading in class and you may also have a variety of books to take home. You also can find a lot of other stories to read at home on the Reading page and on the Myths & Legends page of the class blog.
We will be starting off with interchange classes and working on Number Knowledge and Strategies. Make sure you check the classroom blogs for extra activities you can do to help your learning at home. There is also the Math Blog on the St Albans website which is full of great ideas.
Oral Book Reports
Moving on from our reading a favourite book to your classmates, this term we will be looking at sharing a fairy tale, fable, myth or legend using a book report format. A notice will be glued into your home learning book when it is your turn. This will have some suggestions and hints on how to do it well and we will be practising what you need to do at school too.
Integrated Studies
Our focus this term is a showcase of Wearable Art, Dance and Drama based around Māori myths and legends. Check out the page on our classroom blog for more information.
Parent’s Page
I have added a new page to the blog where I will post interesting articles of interest to your families. Any comments/suggestions are welcome.
·       Newspaper (The Press – larger pages)
·       Magazines (House & Garden genre, Next etc, Car, Motorbike & Sport magazines especially good)

Have a great week.

Mrs D

School photos now Wednesday 1st July

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 2, Week 9

Book Character Parade – NEXT MONDAY!
If you haven’t got something organised yet – get started this week. Prizes are awarded for each year group. The costumes do not need to be purchased – some of the best ones have been created from your dress up box, second hand shops and some imagination.  We will also be having the Scholastic Book Fair on site and need some volunteers to help run this before and after school. If someone in your family is able to help, please ask them to email Miss Scadden at

Room 18 Book Swap
Next week we will be having a book swap. You may bring one book along but check with mum or dad first!. I will give you a coupon, which will then entitle you to choose another book that someone else has brought. Please make sure the books you bring to trade are suitable for 7 year old children – no old favourites from when you were little please.

·       Helpers to run the Book fair before and after school in week 10 – 22nd-25th June.
·       2L ice cream containers please.
·       Newspaper (The Press – larger pages)
·       Magazines (Edited to remove any unsuitable photos please. House & Garden genre, Next etc, Car, Motorbike & Sport magazines are the most versatile)

This Week
Wednesday    Weird & Wacky Mufti Day
Thursday        Library Day
Friday            Sushi Lunch Option
Coming Up    
Week 10        Book Character Parade
                     Book Fair
                     Book Swap
                     Worlds Apart Performance
                     Choir Performance at Alpine View
                      Reports on STAr (Sunday night)
Week 11        Parent Teacher Interviews

                     Grandparents Day  -choir concert

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 2, Week 8

Pencils, Pens and Glue Sticks!
Please check that you have writing equipment. If not, most items can be purchased from the office before or after school.
Book Week Reminder
Have you started thinking about your costume for the character parade yet? This will be on the Monday of week 10. Prizes are awarded for each year group. The costumes do not need to be purchased – some of the best ones have been created from your dress up box, second hand shops and some imagination.  We will also be having the Scholastic Book Fair on site and need some volunteers to help run this before and after school. If someone in your family is able to help, please ask them to email Miss Scadden at
·       Helpers to run the Book fair before and after school in week 10 – 22nd-25th June.
·       2L ice cream containers please.
·       Newspaper (The Press – larger pages)
This Week
Thursday        Library Day
Friday             School Photos           
Coming Up    
Week 9           Sushi Lunch option
Week 10         Book Character Parade
                      Worlds Apart Performance
                        Reports on STAr (Sunday night)
Week 11          Parent Teacher Interviews
                        Grandparents Day 

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 2, Week 7

Pencils, Pens and Glue Sticks!
Please check that you have your own pencils, pens and other equipment. My spare pencil tin is EMPTY, again! Please don’t expect me, or your friends to provide you with these items.
Book Week
Have you started thinking about your costume for the character parade yet? This will be on the Monday of week 10. Prizes are awarded for each year group. The costumes do not need to be purchased – some of the best ones have been created from your dress up box, second hand shops and some imagination.  We will also be having the Scholastic Book Fair on site and need some volunteers to help run this before and after school. If someone in your family is able to help, please ask them to email Miss Scadden at
·       Helpers to run the Book fair before and after school in week 10 – 22nd-25th June.
·       2L ice cream containers please.
·       Newspaper (The Press – larger pages)
This Week
Monday          Queens Birthday (holiday)
Thursday        Library Day
Friday            Year 3 & 4 Wheelie Day                   
Coming Up                
Week 8          School Photos
Week 10         Book Character Parade
                      Worlds Apart Performance
Week 11          Parent Teacher Interviews
                        Grandparents Day – choir, coffee
                      & cake

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 2, Week 6

Reading this week
This week I will be doing reading assessments so most children will not be bringing home new readers. They will have the opportunity to select books from their browsing boxes and will still be reading in class time. You still need to continue to read at home from your own personal collections, the school library and the public libraries.

2L ice cream containers please.

This Week    
Thursday        Library Day               

Coming Up                
1/6                 Queens Birthday (holiday)
22/6 – 26/6   Book Week
1/7 & 2/7       Parent Teacher Interviews

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 2, Week 5

It’s Electrifying
Last week we discussed how electricity gets to our homes. Can you locate any of the following in your home and neighbourhood?
·       Power outlets
·       Fuse Box
·       Meter Box
·       Roadside Power Box
·       Transformer
·       Substation
·       Transmission lines / power pylons
Library Day
Selecting and reading a variety of different text is one of the reading skills you need. Our usual day to visit the school library is after morning tea on Thursdays. Please make sure you have your books with you to exchange for new ones. Regular visits to the local public library are also very important to extend your reading interests.
2L ice cream containers please.
This Week
Monday           Mrs Glasson teaching Room 18
Thursday        Mrs Miller teaching Room 18
Library Day               
Coming Up                
1/6                  Queens Birthday (holiday)
22/6 – 26/6  Book Week
1/7 & 2/7       Parent Teacher Interviews

Room 18 Newsletter - Term 2, Week 4

Home Learning Books
Please make sure you are taking your Home Learning book home on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is you responsibility to ensure it is in your reading folder at the end of the day, that you practise your spelling and record your reading. Then have someone from home sign to say they have seen it.

This Week
Wednesday    Mrs Kelly teaching R18
1:30 – 3:00
Thursday        Mrs Kelly teaching R18
9:00 – 12:30
Library Day               
Coming Up                
1/6                  Queens Birthday (holiday)
22/6 – 26/6  Book Week
1/7 & 2/7       Parent Teacher Interviews

Room 18 Newsletter
Term 2, Week 3

Welcome to Week 3.

It’s Electrifying
Our new focus is on electricity and we are kicking it off with a session by the educators from Science Alive. Thank you to our helpers at today’s session, we wouldn’t have been able to do this without your support. As a follow-up to this I want you to look around your home and find five things that need electricity in order to work. Write them below.

This Week
Monday           Science Alive 
Tuesday          Mufti Day for Nepal
Thursday        Library Day               
Coming Up                
1/6                  Queens Birthday (holiday)
22/6 – 26/6  Book Week

1/7 & 2/7       Parent Teacher Interviews

Room 18 Newsletter
Term 2, Week 2

Welcome to Week 2.

Anzac Day
We have been finding out lots of interesting information about Anzac day and are working on some great poppy paintings which will be on display shortly. Thank you to everyone who came along to the service at school on Friday morning – it was very moving.

Cross Country
The school Cross Country race will be on Wednesday and the postponement day is Thursday. Wear house colours and running shoes. Bring a warm jacket/sweat shirt to wear before and after your race, a drink bottle with water in it. Spectators are welcome but please stay in the spectators side of the stand so we are able to get the children organised quickly. You are welcome to come back to the classroom afterwards.

Science Alive
Next Monday the educators from Science Alive are coming to take a session with each of the Year 3 classes. The focus is on electricity. Room 18 needs 2 or 3 parents/grandparents to help out. Our session will run from 9:30am to 11:30am. Please let me know if you are able to help out.

This Week
Monday           Anzac Holiday
Wednesday    Cross Country Race              
Thursday        Library Day
                        Cross Country PostPonement Day

Coming Up                
4/5                 Science Alive
1/6                  Queens Birthday (holiday)
22/6 – 26/6  Book Week

1/7 & 2/7       Parent Teacher Interviews

Room 18 Newsletter
Term 2, Week 1

I hope everyone had a wonderful break and is ready for term 2. We are starting off the term with learning about ANZAC day. If you have any interesting items or resources relating to the World War 1 time period we would love the opportunity to view them in class. In week 3 we have Science Alive coming to start our unit on Electricity – it could be a shocking experience! Book week will be in week 10 so start thinking about possible character costumes. News Reporters this term will be given the opportunity to share a favourite book. A notice will be put into your Home Learning book when it is your turn.

Cross Country
Did you keep up your running over the holidays? The school Cross Country race will be on Wednesday next week – weather permitting. The postponement day is Thursday. It is not too late to improve your fitness and this will be our focus in PE before we move to skipping, folk dancing and Jump Jam.

Home Learning Activities
Remember to complete your reading log and spelling practise, and don’t forget to keep working on your basic facts. There are some new activities and challenges on Study Ladder for you to try. Our classroom blog is also regularly updated with photos and news of what we are doing in class. Comments on the posts are appreciated.

This Week
Monday           Pōwhiri                      
Thursday        Library Day

Coming Up
27/4               ANZAC Day (holiday)
29/4              Cross Country Race
4/5                 Science Alive Session at school
1/6                  Queens Birthday (holiday)
22/6 – 26/6  Book Week
1/7 & 2/7       Parent Teacher Interviews

Room 18 Home Learning
Term 1, Week 8, 2015

It is nearly the end of term already and it has been a very busy one in the Year 3 team.

Orana Park Trip – Monday 30th March
This trip is now scheduled for next week as the park was unable to get enough educators for this week. Thank you to everyone for their continuing understanding and support. Parent helpers – please confirm if you are still able to help on the trip as soon as possible so we can organise replacements if needed.
Swimming at school
This will be our last week of swimming in the school pool this term – weather dependent of course. Thank you to everyone who has managed themselves and their gear so well. Reading Challenge
Many of you requested a copy of the reading contract last week so I hope you have put it somewhere safe. Remember, this does not have a time limit on it but a dip from my treasure box will be given when it is completed.
Please take the time to read and comment on any posts. This is also a great addition to reading and writing at home.
Reza: smurf drink bottle.
Henry C: swimming bag, togs, goggles & towel.

Upcoming Events
Week 8
Monday           Swimming (2:30)
Tuesday          Speaker – Andrew Oswin
Wednesday    Swimming (1:30)
Thursday        Library Day
Friday             Swimming (9:10)       

Week 9
Monday           Orana Park
Thursday        Last day of Term 1

Friday             Good Friday


The trip to Orana Park is now going to Monday the 30th of March. Apologies for any inconvenience but the park was unable to get enough educators for next week. Thank you for your support.

Due to the nasty weather forecast, we have been able to change the date of our trip from tomorrow to Tuesday next week - 24th March.

Room 18 Home Learning
Term 1, Week 7, 2015

It was lovely to see so many of you at the disco on Friday evening. There was some great dancing and wonderful outfits.
Orana Park Trip – Tomorrow
Permission slips still outstanding MUST be received before Tuesday morning or you will miss out on this great trip. A second notice was sent home last week. Unfortunately the weather does not look great for our trip. Keep an eye on the school website and class blogs for updates.
Goal Sheets
These went live on STAr on Friday and I hope you discussed these at home. There is also a copy glued into the back of your Home Learning book.
The Essential Spelling List has now been included – sorry for the delay with this. The list(s) you are currently working on have been highlighted in green. Feel free to do extra spelling work on these at home if you want.
Egg cartons, laundry powder scoops, newspaper


Room 18 Home Learning
Term 1, Week 6, 2015

Orana Park Trip – Next week
Thank you to those who have returned the permission slips. If this is still outstanding, please organise this urgently. We now have enough parent helpers for the trip thank you.
Your first weekly spelling words are shown opposite. The words are based on the spelling pattern / sound of the week and words from your writing books. These will be practised at school as part of your Must Do activities for literacy. Your should also be working on learning these at home. Get someone to test you on Thursday night and put a tick if you know how to spell it and can write it down correctly. If you don’t know it, put a dot and keep practising it.
An Essential Spelling List is also glued into the back of your Home Learning book. These are words that are often used in children’s writing. The list(s) you are currently working on have been highlighted in green. Feel free to do extra spelling work on these at home if you want.
Sun Hats
Please remember that sun hats must be worn this term. If you do not have your hat at school – you will need to stay under the shade sails in the U.
Egg cartons , laundry powder scoops

Room 18 Home Learning
Term 1, Week 5, 2015

Orana Park Trip – Next week
Thank you to those who have returned the permission slips. If this is still outstanding, please organise this urgently. We now have enough parent helpers for the trip thank you.
Your first weekly spelling words are shown opposite. The words are based on the spelling pattern / sound of the week and words from your writing books. These will be practised at school as part of your Must Do activities for literacy. Your should also be working on learning these at home. Get someone to test you on Thursday night and put a tick if you know how to spell it and can write it down correctly. If you don’t know it, put a dot and keep practising it.
An Essential Spelling List is also glued into the back of your Home Learning book. These are words that are often used in children’s writing. The list(s) you are currently working on have been highlighted in green. Feel free to do extra spelling work on these at home if you want.
Sun Hats
Please remember that sun hats must be worn this term. If you do not have your hat at school – you will need to stay under the shade sails in the U.
Egg cartons , laundry powder scoops

Upcoming Events

This Week  
Monday           Swimming
Wednesday    Swimming
Thursday        Library Day
Friday             Swimming
                        School Disco
Week 7
Tues 17/3       Orana Park Trip


Room 18 Home Learning
Term 1, Week 5, 2015

Well done everyone! We are all very proud of the way you gave this event a go and showed how you can manage yourselves during a multi-sport event. There were approximately 170 children taking part, and many proud spectators who came along to watch you. I hope you have checked out the photos on the blog! 

For spelling this week learning about your school dictionary. These have been named and handed out to everyone – please look after it. There will be a short quiz each day to see how well you can find something. You can practise at home by having someone ask you questions like, “What page would you look on to find the spelling of an animal?, or Where will you find the words beginning with G?” It is a good idea to add the first names of family members and friends that you like to include in your diary/recounts. Get Mum or Dad to help with this.

Due to the Tryathlon, we were unable to pop into the library last week. Children can change their books at lunchtimes most days, or they can wait until this Thursday when we will head down there together.

Junk Instruments
This week you will be making your musical instruments with Ms Ashby for Arts Interchange. Please remember to collect items you can use such as boxes, bottles, rubber bands, rice, corrugated card. Use your imagination and bring your collection along on Friday.

Help Needed
Can you spare about ½ an hour one morning during the week to help return readers to the resource room. Full training given ☺

Upcoming Events

Week 5
Monday Guess Who Winners Announced
Thursday         Library Day 
Friday Junk Instruments

Week 7
Tues 17/3 Orana Park Trip -more information to come soon, parent helpers will be needed.


Year 3 & 4 'Try'athlon
Thursday - 26th February 

The Year 3 & 4 Tryathlon will be held on Thursday - weather permitting. When you arrive at school, please park your bike (with helmet clipped onto frame/handlebars) outside your classroom. Do not play with any other bikes or go back to shift the position of your own bike until told by the teachers. We will organise these for you and tell you what to do closer to the start time.

As stated in the notice sent home last week, we cannot give an exact starting time. The Year 4s will be going first and it will take each class about 15 minutes. Going by this, I expect Room 18 to be starting about 11:30 - but this is just an estimate. If you are coming to watch, please stay out of the pool area and off the course so we can avoid congestion and accidents. We had a get-together this afternoon to talk about organisation and remember, if you don't have a bike - don't stress, you will be doing just the run and swim making it a biathlon. You can come in your togs, house colour t-shirt and running shoes - but remember to bring your uniform (including undies) to change into afterwards.

After Morning Tea
Wait with your class under the shade sails in the U. Have your bag with your towel and clothes with you.
1.  Bike - twice around the field starting outside Mrs Warren's office.
When you get off your bike you will give it to a teacher or senior school student to park for you. Please attach your helmet to the bike. You will get your bike back once everyone has finished the event.

2.  Run - around the astroturf back to the U.
Start by the basketball hoop outside Room 1 and run the loop back to your gear under the shade sails in the U. Take off your t-shirt and shoes and leave them by your bag. Then run around the end of Room 21 to the pool. WALK when you get to the gate please.

3.  Swim - one length of the pool, any style you choose.
When you get out of the pool, walk back through Room 19, collect your gear bag, and go to Room 18 (girls) or Room 20 (boys) to get changed into your uniform. 

Wait under the shade sails and cheer on the other competitors.

Home Learning Newsletter T1W4

Well done everyone on your great progress and behaviour during our Aquagym sessions. This week we will be swimming at school on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Make sure you bring all your gear to school on those days.

Baby Photos
What a bunch of cuties! Collect your competition entry form from the display and start figuring out who is who. Entries close on Friday and the 3 children with the most correct answers will receive a small prize. We are still waiting for a couple of photos which can be brought in or emailed to me.

Home Learning
Please make sure mum or dad sign this sheet so I know it is being read. Remember to record the text you read each day at home. This can be your reader, poem, the blog or your personal books.

For spelling this week we are looking at names and addresses and phone numbers. Please get write these in the box opposite. Your goal is to know these off my heart by the end of term 1.

Library books were sent home last Thursday. Please make sure that are at school for changing every Thursday morning.

Basic Facts
How are you getting on with the ten-sided dice activities? There is also a link on the blog to the doubles song to help you learn your doubles to 20.

Upcoming Events
Week 4        
Monday             Lucky Book Club orders due
Thursday          Year 3 & 4 ‘Try’athlon

Week 7
Tues 17/3        Orana Park Trip
-more information to come soon,

parent helpers will be needed.

Aquagym Notice 5.2.15

Our week is 16th - 20th February. Please fill in the permission slip on the bottom of the original notice and return to school asap.

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