Thursday, October 29, 2015

Slimy Sundaes

The beasts (boys) and ghouls (girls) in Room 18 made Slimy Sundaes today.
Here is the recipe if you want to try it at home.

Slime (Green Jelly)
Frozen Mud (Chocolate ice cream)
Blood (Strawberry Topping)
Eyeballs (grapes)
A selection of spiders, skeletons, snakes, bats, ghosts and witch hats
Eyeballs on a stick


  1. Get a plastic cup and spoon.
  2. Scoop a spoonful of mud into the cup.
  3. Gentle ooze the slime over the mud.
  4. Squirt some blood over the slime.
  5. Toss in an eyeball.
  6. Plop in a selection of creepy creatures.
  7. Poke an eyeball on a stick into the top.
  8. Gobble it up.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Assembly Term 4 Week 2

Thank you to Room 17 for hosting the assembly this week. Congratulations to Asher, Charles and Ruby who were awarded certificates. Keep up the great work everybody. Our class spies will be out checking cloakrooms before the next assembly to see who deserves the Heather Trophy in Week 4.

Mirror Magic

Thank you to everyone who coped well with the unexpected changes in Room 18 this week while I was off sick.

Mrs Kelly was very impressed with your behaviour and learning during the trip to the museum on Thursday - I was very disappointed to miss it. Here is a link to the museum site and an online game from Science Kids to practise how to change the path of light. Make sure you talk about what you learnt with someone from home and don't forget to use some of the great new vocabulary you learnt; such as convex and concave.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


We are currently working on some art based on the art of Vasily Kadinski. We are using Kadinski's Circles to create an abstract blossom tree similar to the example below.

Today we read a book about him called "The Noisy Paintbox". Click on the image below to find out more about Kadinsky and his abstract art. Pūkeko Group - this is your reading homework, and please write down one fact to share with the class.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Great Flag Debate

We have been looking at different flags and talking about the upcoming referendum on changing the New Zealand flag. I have linked some sites to the images below for you to do some more exploring around this topic.

Find out interesting information about flags from around the world.

Have we always had the flag we use now? Find out about the history behind the New Zealand flags.

Why do people want to change our flag? Click here to find out

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Wheel Blacks

Today we read an article about The Wheel Blacks. We learnt about the special wheel chairs they use, what quadrapelgic means and how they play wheelchair rugby. Did you know that there is a World Cup competition on at the moment for wheelchair rugby. Click on the image below to read more about these amazing athletes.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Welcome back for Term 4

Welcome back everyone, and a special welcome to Ruby who is joining us in Room 18 this term. Term 4 is a sun hat term so make sure you have your school sunhat at school every day.